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Episode 100: Noah

10 Apr


In this episode, Tyler and Josh are joined by Nathan Potter to discuss Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, as well as John Ford’s The Searchers.


00:00:44- Intro, episode 100
00:05:20- No Country for Old Men minisode
00:06:12- Donations
00:07:10- Wondercon meetup
00:07:45- Faithflix interview
00:08:45- Nathan Potter
00:12:05- Noah
01:40:30- The Searchers
01:53:25- Episode wrap-up

A Healthy Skepticism? by Tyler Smith

3 Apr

Directed by: Larry Charles
Starring: Bill Maher

Two things I should say from the outset. First, I am a Christian. Second, I did not like the film Religulous. I recently told this to an atheist acquaintance of mine and he suggested that that reason I didn’t care for this unabashedly anti-religious film was because I was “in denial of the central premise.”

An interesting point. On some level, he’s right. As a Christian, there were several things I did not like about this movie. I felt both misrepresented and insulted; always a frustrating combination. However, as angry as I was as a Christian, I was absolutely livid as a film critic.


Mountaineer Film Fest (Video)

29 Mar

Mountaineer Panel on Faith and Film

28 Mar


Tyler was recently included in the panel on faith and film, which took place at the Mountaineer Short Film Festival in Morgantown, West Virginia.  You can listen to it below.

Episode 97: Art and Artists

7 Feb


In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss separating art from the artist.

00:00:48- Intro, MTOL Newsletter
00:05:00- Separating the art from the artist
00:16:00- Fatty Arbuckle
00:21:45- Roman Polanski
00:27:50- Woody Allen
00:46:43- Christian artists?
00:57:05- Christian film
01:09:10- Episode wrap-up

It’s Hard Being The Shepherd, by Tyler Smith

2 Feb

Directed by: Quentin Tarantino
Written by: Quentin Tarantino and Lawrence Bender
Starring: John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis

It’s frustrating writing about movies like Pulp Fiction, because everybody has an opinion on it, so why are they going to listen to what I have to say?

With Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, I can be confident that very few, if any, of the readers have seen it, so it frees me up. Hell, I can just make stuff up, if I wanted, and no one would be the wiser.

Not possible with this one, though.


Sermon Recommendation- “Thou Shalt Not Covet”

18 Jan


In this sermon, Rankin Wilbourne discusses the tenth commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Covet.”


God Bless Us, by Reed Lackey

24 Dec


We start with two dead men. One of them is still breathing, speaking, and growling humbugs at everything joyful and hopeful in the world. The other is as dead as… well, as a doornail. But both of them are quite dead indeed. And as Charles Dickens wisely instructed us on the very first page of A Christmas Carol, “This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate.”


Minisode 29: Home

24 Dec


In this minisode, Tyler discusses the idea of home.

A God Movie, by Josh Long

11 Nov


If you’ve heard about Jarod O’Flaherty’s new film My Son, it’s probably for one reason. The film is making headlines because it’s a Christian film produced by a church in Burleston, TX; a film the Motion Picture Association of America slapped with an “R” rating. The stir over such an anomaly has spread as far as the major news networks. The situation raises lots of questions. Should a Christian film be rated “R?” How should Christians respond to ratings? Is it a publicity stunt? Is the church that produced the film being persecuted? Is the film even worth seeing, and does it stand out from other Christian films? Or from other films at all?
