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Episode 112: Believe Me

25 Sep


In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Will Bakke’s Believe Me and Richard Brooks’ Elmer Gantry.

00:00:44- Intro, Alpha Omega Con
00:03:00- Believe Me
00:50:00- Believe Me on iTunes
00:50:00- Pre-order Believe Me
00:50:40- Elmer Gantry
01:08:30- Episode wrap-up

Sermon Recommendation- “Freedom According to Jesus”

27 Aug

ShawshankRedempt_201Pyxurz In this sermon, Rankin Wilbourne discusses true freedom.


If At First You Don’t Succeed, by Tyler Smith

10 Aug

Written and Directed by: Bill Day
Starring: Craig Gross, Mike Foster

Many already know about XXX Church, the Christian website dedicated to helping the millions of men (and women) dealing with porn addiction. The site and its founders, Craig Gross and Mike Foster, have become so high profile in the modern church, one would be hard pressed to find a Christian guy, age 18-30, that hasn’t heard of the site. The supportive environment offered by XXX Church, as well as the practical accountability software, allows Christians to be more open and honest about these struggles than ever before.


Episode 108: The Big Kahuna

8 Aug


In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss John Swanbeck’s The Big Kahuna.

Alpha Omega Con

7 Aug


More Than One Lesson is going to Alpha Omega Con!  We’ll have our own exhibitor booth from which we’ll be able to reach out to potential listeners and other like-minded people of faith.  We are excited to have this opportunity, but there are some minor costs involved.  We want to represent the site as well as we can, which will involve:

  • Sample CDs
  • Postcards
  • An MTOL Banner
  • MTOL T-Shirts

We feel that having these things will enable us to put our best foot forward, but we need your help to make it a reality.  Please help us out by donating to More Than One Lesson.  Thanks for your continued support.

Tyler on Feeding My Faith

5 Aug

feeding my faith

Tyler was recently a guest host on the Feeding My Faith podcast, talking about Matthew 25.


Episode 105: with special guest Jarret LeMaster

21 Jun

jarret lemaster

In this episode, Tyler is joined by actor Jarret LeMaster to discuss his new film Turnaround Jake.

A Sad Song, by Reed Lackey

18 Apr


Rarely have I rooted for a film to be effective as much as I did for Jacob Kindberg’s Sing Over Me, an intimate portrait of Christian singer/songwriter Dennis Jernigen and his lifelong struggle with homosexuality. Aware of the controversy of the subject, I was excited for a film that would address the issue from within the heart of the struggle, hopefully providing unflinching honesty, unique insight, and brave message of hope.


Episode 101: God’s Not Dead

17 Apr


In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Harold Cronk’s God’s Not Dead and Oliver Stone’s JFK.

00:00:44- Intro
00:03:45- God’s Not Dead
01:39:50- JFK
02:00:10- Apologetics resources
02:04:42- Episode wrap-up

Apologetics Resources

16 Apr

The film God’s Not Dead is all about making your case for a belief in God.  Below is a list of resources that Tyler and Josh recommend for doing that.



“The Reason for God” by Tim Keller
