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Sermon Recommendation- “Authentic Christianity”

26 Mar

In this sermon, Tim Keller discusses some inconvenient truths that Jesus put forth.


OutChristianed, by Travis Fishburn

23 Mar

A few weeks ago, a new series premiered on ABC entitled GCB. I had been made privy to the show a week prior, when an ad for it ran during the Oscar telecast. My first response was “what does GCB stand for?” The next day, I discovered that The show’s initial title was Good Christian Bitches, and was then changed to Good Christian Belles, then it ultimately became GCB. Apparently, ABC decided that leaving the B ambiguous and using an acronym as a title would draw more people in.


Episode 56: Pride and Villainy

7 Mar

In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss notable movie villains and pride.

Sermon Recommendation- “See Jesus”

29 Feb

In this sermon, pastor Rankin Wilbourne discusses Biblical reflection.


Episode 55: with special guest Tom Wilson

21 Feb

In this episode, Tyler and Josh are joined by actor/comedian Tom Wilson to discuss being an adult Christian artist.

Clarity in Waiting, by Tyler Gunstream

7 Feb

When I was in kindergarten, we were told to create a book and write about what we want to be when we grow up.  Based on my answer to this premise, I should have known that my career goals in my adult life would be all over the board.  In my book I explained that I wanted to be a cop, and if that didn’t work out I wanted to be the Karate Kid.  Ralph Macchio would have been so proud.


Sermon Recommendation- “Amusing Yourself to Death”

23 Jan

In this sermon, Tim Chaddick discusses Ecclesiastes and hedonism.


Episode 53: The Tree of Life

17 Jan

In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life.

00:00:44- Intro
00:01:53- The Tree of Life
01:00:00- 2001: A Space Odyssey
01:29:11- Episode wrap-up

Read Josh’s review HERE

Sermon Recommendation- “Arguing about Politics”

16 Jan

In this sermon, Tim Keller discusses Christian politics.


Randy Edwards Memorial Message

15 Jan

In my testimony episode, I mentioned my former youth pastor, Randy Edwards, being instrumental in my coming to Christ. Shortly after that episode aired, Randy passed away of cancer. This video was played at his funeral.