Tag Archives: mtol

Who’s To Blame? by Josh Long

18 Jan

The tragedy that rocked our nation on January 8th has left everyone looking for answers. People with full lives and potentials ahead of them are dead, and for no good reason. It’s a serious tragedy, and one that is unfortunately becoming increasingly familiar in the United States. But just as the sympathies of the country go out to the victims and their families, there is a mad rush to find someone to blame. And it’s no surprise to find fingers once again pointed at Hollywood.


An Inconvenient Bible

18 Jan

In the church bulletin yesterday, there was an interesting quote from author J.I. Packer. I thought it was very relevant to modern Christianity.

If I were the devil, one of my first aims would be to stop people from digging into the Bible… How? Well, I should try to distract all clergy from preaching and teaching the Bible, and spread the feeling that to study this ancient book directly is a burdensome extra which modern Christians can forgo without loss. I should broadcast doubts about the truth and relevance of the Bible, and if any still insisted on reading it I should lure them into assuming that the benefit of the practice lies in the noble and tranquil feelings evoked by it rather than in noting what Scripture actually says. At all costs I should want to keep them from using their minds in a disciplined way to get the measure of its message. Were I the devil, taking stock today, I think I might be pleased at the progress I had made.

Episode 36: Christmas 2010

21 Dec

In this episode, Tyler discusses the themes of various classic Christmas movies.

Episode 35: Winnebago Man

13 Dec

In this episode, Tyler discusses what we can learn from Ben Steinbauer’s Winnebago Man.

00:00:42- Intro/Podcast Awards
00:02:00- Winnebago Man
00:20:25- The Browning Version
00:25:15- What we can learn from these films
00:34:20- Episode wrap-up

Episode 34: The Messenger

30 Nov

In this episode, Tyler discussed Oren Moverman’s The Messenger.

The Best of Pictures: The English Patient (1996), by Josh Long

16 Nov

Written and Directed by: Anthony Minghella
Starring: Ralph Fiennes, Kristin Scott Thomas, Juliette Binoche, Willem Dafoe

If you’re like me, the first thing you remember when you think of The English Patient is an episode of “Seinfeld.” In it, Elaine is forced to see the film several times, consistently hating it. Everyone around her seems dead-set on proving to her that it’s a great film until she finally explodes in the theater and yells at the screen, “Quit telling your stupid story about the stupid desert, and just die already! DIE!” Is that an overreaction? Two hours into the movie, watching it for a second time, my answer is no.


Episode 33: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

20 Oct

In this episode, Tyler discusses what we can learn from Andrew Dominik’s The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

00:00:45- Intro/Announcements
00:05:13- The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
00:22:20- The King of Comedy
00:35:45- What we can learn from these films
00:55:17- Episode wrap-up

My Latest Temptation: To Parse Ad Infinitum, by Robert Hornak

14 Oct

Watched The Last Temptation of Christ for the first time recently. Made a murky impression on me. Thought it might be good to work that out. Not a lot of answers here, just some questions and observations. If you have any thoughts, find me. It’s an important movie. For those who believe, it challenges who we think Christ was in terms of his humanness rather than in the typical terms of his divinity. For those who think it’s all hokum to start with, it at least stretches out the plastic idea of Jesus the doe-eyed peacenik.


MTOL Guest: Robert Hornak

4 Oct

ROBERT HORNAK wanted Ray Harryhausen to come to his ninth birthday party. When he didn’t show, he cried. Later, he found out there were more than monster movies in the world. He picked up some real love for Woody Allen, the Coen Brothers, Preston Sturges, and Howard Hawks. He has a deep love for Truffaut, Buñuel, Bergman, and Kurosawa, which helps balance his devotion to the Marx Brothers. His goal in life is to write a single Chayefsky-worthy scene. He will watch an old movie before a new movie every time, and a satire before a drama. Robert also likes tennis, Chipotle, and Merle Haggard. At the same time, when possible.

Episode 32: The Films of Woody Allen

4 Oct

In this episode, Tyler is joined by writer Robert Hornak to discuss the career of Woody Allen.