Tag Archives: mtol

Apologetics Resources

16 Apr

The film God’s Not Dead is all about making your case for a belief in God.  Below is a list of resources that Tyler and Josh recommend for doing that.



“The Reason for God” by Tim Keller


Episode 100: Noah

10 Apr


In this episode, Tyler and Josh are joined by Nathan Potter to discuss Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, as well as John Ford’s The Searchers.


00:00:44- Intro, episode 100
00:05:20- No Country for Old Men minisode
00:06:12- Donations
00:07:10- Wondercon meetup
00:07:45- Faithflix interview
00:08:45- Nathan Potter
00:12:05- Noah
01:40:30- The Searchers
01:53:25- Episode wrap-up

A Healthy Skepticism? by Tyler Smith

3 Apr

Directed by: Larry Charles
Starring: Bill Maher

Two things I should say from the outset. First, I am a Christian. Second, I did not like the film Religulous. I recently told this to an atheist acquaintance of mine and he suggested that that reason I didn’t care for this unabashedly anti-religious film was because I was “in denial of the central premise.”

An interesting point. On some level, he’s right. As a Christian, there were several things I did not like about this movie. I felt both misrepresented and insulted; always a frustrating combination. However, as angry as I was as a Christian, I was absolutely livid as a film critic.


The Best of Pictures: No Country for Old Men

3 Apr

No Country For Old Men movie image Javier Bardem

In this minisode, Tyler and Josh discuss the Coen Brothers’ No Country for Old Men, the winner of Best Picture for 2007.

Always Keep Your Eye On The Ball, by Tyler Smith

31 Mar

W. (2008)
Directed by: Oliver Stone
Written by: Stanley Weiser
Starring: Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Banks, James Cromwell, Richard Dreyfuss, Geoffrey Wright

There is a haunting scene in Oliver Stone’s W. in which President George W. Bush is asked by a reporter what mistakes he has made during his presidency and what he has learned from said mistakes.  Bush chuckles to himself and states that he knows he’s made all kinds of mistakes.  He then, with the eyes of the press squarely on him, proceeds to rack his brain to think of what he has learned.  The scene ends with him simply choosing not to answer the question.  He then storms out of the press room, cursing the reporter for asking such a question.


Mountaineer Panel on Faith and Film

28 Mar


Tyler was recently included in the panel on faith and film, which took place at the Mountaineer Short Film Festival in Morgantown, West Virginia.  You can listen to it below.

Donations Welcome

26 Mar

Blackboard with chalk

Hey, everybody. While we do consider More Than One Lesson to be a true labor of love, the occasional cost does crop up. Comic-Con hotel rooms, publicity materials, and, of course, movie ticket prices. In an effort to cover these costs, we’re asking for donations from those that can spare a few dollars. If everybody that listened to the show donated just $5, we would have all of our costs covered (including episode storage and bandwidth).

So, if you’re a fan of the show and website, please help us out. Thanks.

One-Time Donation

MTOL Donation Subscription

His Brother’s Keeper, by Tyler Smith

21 Mar

Directed by: John Hillcoat
Written by: Nick Cave
Starring: Guy Pearce, Ray Winstone, Emily Watson, Danny Huston

It starts with a gunfight. A gang of drunken outlaws are holed up in a makeshift brothel, only to be confronted by local law enforcement. Some of the outlaws are gunned down, others are arrested. Chief among the survivors is Charlie Burns, a quiet, withdrawn man who doesn’t seem to have a particularly violent temperament. Until, of course, his younger brother, Mikey, is threatened; at which point Charlie employs the dead-eyed stare and careful cadence of a man of action who means business.


Episode 99: Captain Phillips

20 Mar


In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Paul Greengrass’ Captain Phillips and Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves.

00:00:45- Intro, Let There Be Movies
00:01:40- Mountaineer Film Festival
00:03:10- Discussion of Lost by Reed Lackey
00:04:45- Captain Phillips
00:52:35- Bicycle Thieves

01:17:10- Episode wrap-up

Questions and Answers, by Reed Lackey

20 Mar


What do you get when you cross a plane crash, polar bears, a monster made of black smoke, a moving island, an ancient statue, time-travel, an age-old battle of good versus evil and about 50 castaways with pasts as diverse as their ethnicities? You get a whole mess of questions, that’s what. You also get some of the most compelling, emotional and inspiring television in history.

It’s been 10 years since Lost first premiered on ABC, and binge watching was officially created. Fans were obsessed with the literary references, scientific theories, and endless clues to the shows seemingly countless mysteries. Fans were so obsessed that it isn’t uncommon to hear of red-eyed, bobble-headed insomniacs pressing on until 3 AM despite extreme weariness in order to fit in just one more episode.
