Tag Archives: mtol

Episode 160: 2016 International Christian Film Festival

5 May


Tyler recounts his experiences at the 2016 International Christian Film Festival.

00:00:44- Intro
00:04:40- Day 1, Priceless, human trafficking
00:16:45- Day 2, Tyler’s seminar, Wade Williams
00:26:00- Movie recommendations
00:57:00- Reactions to seminar
01:04:15- Day 3, Alex Kendrick
01:10:00- God using Christian film, “The Dilemma of Christian Film”
01:26:50- Awards, meeting Alex Kendrick, the end of the festival
00:01:35- Episode wrap-up

Effortless, by Tyler Smith

5 May


At this point, the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are fairly easy to make. We know the characters and the world; we just need the new conflict explained efficiently and we’re off to the races. This is not a good thing. Movies should not be by-the-numbers, regardless of how deep into a specific series or franchise they are. In fact, with each new entry, we should see more effort put into the finished product, not less. Rather than simply give us a variation on what we’ve seen before, the filmmakers should at least attempt to present us with something new. By pitting its heroes against each other, Captain America: Civil War had the opportunity to show us something we hadn’t seen before. It could have divided our loyalties and made us question the motivations and philosophies of these characters that we’ve come to know and love over the years. And while it does tease us with that for a few minutes, the film mostly abandons that in order to give us more of the same.


The Man in the Arena

30 Apr

Minisode 83: A Man for All Seasons

28 Apr


Tyler and Josh discuss Fred Zinnemann’s A Man for All Seasons, Best Picture of 1966.

Episode 159: The Lord of the Rings

21 Apr


In this episode, Tyler and Robert discuss Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.

An Unproductive Meeting, by Robert Hornak

18 Apr

Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 3.19.10 PM

Elvis & Nixon, a stumbling fantasia based on a real meeting, the proof of which is a hand-shaking photograph that is famously the most-requested item from the National Archives, puts forth apocryphal assumptions of how and why Elvis Presley managed to maneuver past the wall of paranoia that was the Nixon White House, hoping to become a “Federal Agent-at-Large” in order to go undercover amongst his own celebrity circles – to “protect this country from sliding into anarchy.” The movie, as was the actual event, is set in December 1970, before Nixon had fully installed his now-infamous Oval Office recording system, so the reasons for the granting of the meeting and the content of the eventual conversation are left to the imagination of the screenwriters. Unfortunately for anyone who nurtures a real appreciation for the overwhelming richness of these idiosyncratic monoliths, the writers, who have a supreme opportunity to concoct some choice banter, play it instead as a quick, barely-scratched-surface intersection of awkward groping for common ground, neither one coming off as someone with actual secrets or legitimate motives, and the titular photo-op finally flops, neither funny nor especially interesting.


Minisode 82: In the Heat of the Night

14 Apr


Tyler and Josh discuss Norman Jewison’s In the Heat of the Night, the Best Picture of 1967.

The Deep, Dark Woods, by Tyler Smith

14 Apr


With its wonderful 2015 retelling of Cinderella, Disney kicked off a new phase in their filmmaking that is at once exciting and daunting. By remaking their popular animated features as live-action films with a modern twist, the company must walk a fine line between paying appropriate homage to the classic films while still adding in enough new material (whether it be content, tone, or thematic elements) to justify them being remade. Cinderella did this beautifully, as director Kenneth Branagh tapped into his theatrical sensibilities to create an extravagant, fantastical world that still retained a complex humanity underneath. The simplistic characters we grew up with were allowed to have deeper emotions and desires, making the film seem like a more adult extension of the original, rather than an attempt to cash in on a well-known property. With their new reimagining of their classic The Jungle Book, Disney has crafted a film that is gorgeous and enveloping. Unfortunately, the new, darker story beats that are added are often negated by the obviously-obligatory incorporation of certain elements from the original that have no business being in this film.


Episode 158: God’s Not Dead 2

7 Apr


In this episode Tyler and Josh discuss Harold Cronk’s God’s Not Dead 2 and Otto Preminger’s Anatomy of a Murder.

00:00:44- Intro, International Christian Film Festival
00:05:50- Atheists reviewing Christian films
00:13:55- God’s Not Dead 2
01:39:35- Anatomy of a Murder
01:54:03- Episode wrap-up

The Man in the Arena

3 Apr