Episode 226: A Conversation with Reed Lackey
9 Apr

In this episode, Tyler talks with writer Reed Lackey about his new film 40: The Temptation of Christ, now available on Amazon.
9 Apr
In this episode, Tyler talks with writer Reed Lackey about his new film 40: The Temptation of Christ, now available on Amazon.
9 Apr
“Then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, and when he had fasted forty days and forty night, afterward he was hungry.” – Matthew 4:1-2
Using the above as its narrative basis, Douglas James Vail’s 40: The Temptation of Christ takes on the task of explaining what exactly happened during those 40 days and nights. Aside from the three temptations of the devil, everything else that could have happened in the wilderness has been left to the imagination. Screenwriter Reed Lackey takes it from there, dancing a fine line between respect for the source material (all of Jesus’ dialogue comes from scripture) and using speculation to guide the film’s deeper emotional truths.
[…]24 Mar
Tyler’s documentary Reel Redemption: The Rise of Christian Cinema is now available on the Faithlife TV streaming platform.
6 Mar
Filmmakers in the faith-based genre have rarely even attempted a thriller, let alone an overt horror film. However, making a noteworthy attempt to marry religious concepts with metaphorical monsters is the recent film from writer/director Matt Long called The Red Resurrection. The film cleverly layers its Christian metaphors into its plot while remaining remarkably even-handed, although it can’t quite overcome the obvious stylistic restraints of a limited budget and a first time filmmaker.