Tag Archives: mtol

A Wonderful Creation, by Tyler Smith

3 Jun

I know I’m a little late to this party- and that my opinion seems to be in the minority- but I’m a really big fan of Parks & Recreation, the new show from the makers of The Office. It is by no means a perfect show, but it has real potential. I’ll talk about the show as a whole another day. Right now, though, I want to single out my favorite aspect of the show.


Hating Kate, by Tyler Smith

5 May

Why can’t it ever be Kate? There have been a lot of casualties on “Lost,” but Kate is never one of them.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. She’s very attractive. I’m with you on that.

But Kate is my least favorite character. From the very beginning, the writers and producers of the show tried to make her seem interesting. They hinted at a sordid past, in which she broke the law and lived life on the run.

Then came the day when an episode aired entitled “What Kate Did.” I’m sure, for some, the opportunity to finally get Kate’s backstory was an interesting prospect. I’ll admit, I was looking forward to it, but for different reasons. I was excited about it because, once it was revealed to us, the show would stop trying to intrigue me about an essentially bland character.
