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Episode 48: Horror Movies

30 Oct

In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss the Horror genre and how Christians should approach it.


00:00:45- Intro, Podcast Awards
00:02:25- Josh’s assistant directing job
00:07:10- The Christian attitude towards Horror
00:27:30- Spiders are terrible
00:31:00- The value of Horror
00:36:05- Alien
00:42:25- The Shining
00:45:00- The Thing
00:48:10- George Romero’s Dead series
00:56:00- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
01:01:30- The Exorcist
01:10:03- The Omen, Rosemary’s Baby
01:11:40- Classic Horror
01:17:10- Dracula, vampires
01:24:05- Closing thoughts

Sermon Recommendation- “Failure”

16 Oct

In this sermon, pastor Joseph Barkley discusses how we respond to failure.


Minisode 4: Unacceptable

12 Oct

In this minisode, Tyler reacts to people’s thoughts on Courageous.

Episode 46: Courageous

4 Oct


In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Alex Kendrick’s Courageous.

00:00:43- Intro, Episode 45
00:03:25- Trying to be respectful, seeing Courageous
00:11:30- What we liked about Courageous
00:48:05- What we didn’t like about Courageous
01:40:20- Kramer vs. Kramer
02:03:35- Episode wrap-up

Sermon Recommendation- “How to be a Friend in the Age of Twitter”

3 Oct

In this sermon, Rankin Wilbourne discusses true Christian friendship and how to achieve it in modern times.


Sermon Recommendation- “What Difference Does It Make?”

13 Sep

In a recent MTOL episode, Josh makes reference to this sermon by Rankin Wilbourne of Pacific Crossroads Church, regarding our attempts to justify our lives.


My Problem of Pain, by Jim Rohner

1 Sep

What follows is a tale of love and loss, of wooing and woe, and of the God that has yet to speak on how He fits into it all.  It is long, intimate, melodramatic and at times, rambling, written, I suppose, as a type of catharsis for myself or for any other believer who, when it comes to the topic of romantic love, finds some truth and relation in the words of C.S. Lewis when he said:

“When I lay these questions before God I get no answer. But a rather special sort of ‘No answer.’ It is not the locked door. It is more like a silent, certainly not uncompassionate, gaze. As though He shook His head not in refusal but waiving the question. Like, ‘Peace, child; you don’t understand.’”

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
– Jeremiah 29:11

On July 6th of this year, I was laid off from my job.  I’ll always remember that day because, contrary to the wisdom bestowed upon us by Office Space, I was let go on a Wednesday and told that my dismissal was immediate.  Without any job prospects, any real idea of what I wanted to do next, and without even an updated resume, any normal person in my situation would’ve probably been concerned with the situation.  I was now forced into facing the unenviable task of job searching without so much as the slightest inkling of career goals or a plan of attack to achieve them. […]

Rage, by Jim Rohner

22 Aug

I realized halfway through watching Inside Job, Charles Ferguson’s Oscar-winning documentary that I didn’t understand half of what I was hearing.  Despite the concise writing and editing of Chad Beck and Adam Bolt, the explanatory voiceover of Matt Damon and the supplemental motion graphics from Bigstar, I still don’t understand what CDOs are nor how they can be bought and sold, I still have no idea what makes subprime mortgages so destructive and overall, I largely still have an unclear picture on the multitude of factors that led to the $20 trillion global financial crisis of 2008.  Despite my unwilling ignorance, I understood enough of the horrific portrait Ferguson was painting to feel something I’ve rarely experienced while watching movies: rage.


Minisode 1: Us and Them

18 Aug

Tyler kicks off a new MTOL feature with a short discussion of the “Us and Them” mentality.

Serve The City

12 Jul

Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that several churches are participating in Serve The City, a cooperative volunteer event, in Los Angeles on July 30.  There are several different kinds of volunteer opportunities around the city at all different times.  You can sign up at the link below.