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A Christ-less Story? by Jim Rohner

22 Dec


Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year.  I’m the guy who has the radio in his car set to the station that plays Christmas carols 24/7, the guy who enjoys stringing up half-burnt out multicolor bulbs in 20 degree weather, the guy who devotes more care to dressing up the presents he bought than he does to dressing himself.  Yes, if Christmas were a drink, I’d proceed to get blackout drunk as soon as Santa closed out the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on November 24th and wallow in holiday delirium tremens all day December 26th.


Everyone’s Invited, by Josh Long

19 Dec


It may be part of growing up. It may be part of living in a big city. It may be due to changes in the culture. But whatever the reason, I more and more regularly hear people talking about why they don’t like Christmas. To some, it’s much ado about nothing. To others it’s an altar to materialism. Some see Christmas as an out-of-date tradition; as corny as “Frosty the Snowman.” And from a certain perspective, they’re right.


Episode 74: with special guest Reed Lackey

17 Dec


In this episode, Tyler and Josh are joined by writer Reed Lackey to discuss his involvement with the grindhouse movie The Victim.

Where Christmas Went, by Reed Lackey

13 Dec

Some time ago, evidently while most of us were sleeping, somebody snuck into our world and stole Christmas away. Some of us realized it sooner than others, but more and more of us are noticing it as years go by.

We’re not quite sure who this little “Grinch” was that came in and snatched our beloved Christmas from us. Some believe it was those evil retail marketers who, in an effort to increase their profits, steadily commercialized Christmas so that now all the holiday amounts to is the acquiring of gifts we don’t really need often given to people more out of obligation than genuine goodwill. Some people blame the non-religious, whose continual efforts to remove religious symbolism from the celebration of the season has diluted the “real reason” for the season and caused it to become nothing more than a hollow cultural ritual (except to those people who really “know what’s going on” of course). There are dozens of other suspected culprits whispered about in homes across America (suspects as vague as “a general apathy” and as specific as “President Barack Obama”). There is only one thing on which nearly everyone agrees…

Christmas is not what it used to be. And somebody’s responsible.


Sermon Recommendation- “Love and Lust”

25 Nov

In this sermon, Tim Keller discusses the difference between covenant and consumerism.


The Devastating Hand of Grace, by Reed Lackey

18 Nov

Every good drama needs at least one moment provocative enough to leave you dwelling on it long after you’ve left the theater or turned off your TV. These moments could be inspiring, or thought-provoking, or shocking, or heartbreaking, or all of the above simultaneously. I would like to tell you about Flight, the movie directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Denzel Washington. Most specifically, I’d like to tell you about its “one moment.”



Sermon Recommendation- “What to Do with Your Politics”

5 Nov

In this sermon, Los Angeles pastor Rankin Wilbourne talks about the role our faith should play in our political actions.


Dark Knight of the Soul, part 2- “Structures Become Shackles,” by Travis Fishburn

26 Sep

In my previous post I explored some Christian aspects found within Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises. I had mentioned Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway) as one of two characters whom I found intriguing from a Christian viewpoint, the other being John Blake (Joseph Gordon Levitt). The basis of both characters’ spiritual arcs depends on looking at the portrayal of Batman (Christian Bale) within the film as an allegoric representation of Christ. Through that lens, Selina’s arc mirrors that of someone struggling to accept God’s Grace.


Episode 68: A Man For All Seasons

18 Sep

In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Fred Zinneman’s Oscar-winning costume drama A Man For All Seasons.

00:00:46- Intro, For The Title, The Unemployed Mind
00:06:05- A Man For All Seasons, “Differing Without Destroying”
01:10:30- Film availability, Amazon Watch Instant
01:10:55- Episode wrap-up, Unemployed Mind teaser, Donations


6 Sep