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When Disaster Strikes, by Tyler Smith

13 Mar

It seems like almost every week we hear of another disaster- natural or otherwise- befalling some poor, far-away country. We are aware of it largely because we are inundated with media; it’s on every front page, every network, every website. However, once this disaster becomes “old news,” it quickly drops out of view, to be replaced with whatever new thing is happening; perhaps a celebrity scandal or a political skirmish. That’s just the way it is, and to bemoan that would be to beat a horse long since dead.


Shotgun Stories

30 Jul

Episode 37b: The Social Network

28 Jan

In this episode, Tyler is joined by actor Barlow Jacobs to discuss David Fincher’s The Social Network.

Episode 37a: with special guest Barlow Jacobs

27 Jan

In this episode, Tyler interviews actor and writer Barlow Jacobs.

MTOL Guest: Barlow Jacobs

26 Jan

BARLOW JACOBS is an actor and writer. He has appeared in such films as Great World of Sound, Shotgun Stories, and That Evening Sun. He wrote, produced, and starred in Low and Behold, which was screened at the Sundance Film Festival.