An Inconvenient Bible

18 Jan

In the church bulletin yesterday, there was an interesting quote from author J.I. Packer. I thought it was very relevant to modern Christianity.

If I were the devil, one of my first aims would be to stop people from digging into the Bible… How? Well, I should try to distract all clergy from preaching and teaching the Bible, and spread the feeling that to study this ancient book directly is a burdensome extra which modern Christians can forgo without loss. I should broadcast doubts about the truth and relevance of the Bible, and if any still insisted on reading it I should lure them into assuming that the benefit of the practice lies in the noble and tranquil feelings evoked by it rather than in noting what Scripture actually says. At all costs I should want to keep them from using their minds in a disciplined way to get the measure of its message. Were I the devil, taking stock today, I think I might be pleased at the progress I had made.

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