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Hell on Earth, by Josh Long

17 Feb

LEGION (2010)
Directed by: Scott Stewart
Written by: Scott Stewart and Peter Schink
Starring: Paul Bettany, Dennis Quaid, Adrianne Palicki, Lucas Black

Boy, oh boy.

Just when you thought you knew everything about Christianity, here comes Legion! You thought angels were bulletproof? WRONG! You thought only demons possessed people? WRONG! You thought Dennis Quaid still had a respectable career? WRONG and WRONG! […]

Episode 19: Avatar

27 Jan

In this episode, Tyler discusses James Cameron’s Avatar and what we as Christians can learn from it.

00:00:45- Introduction
00:01:47- Discussion of Avatar
00:48:56- Discussion of Munich
01:01:02- Episode wrap-up

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A Brief History Of Cameron, by Tyler Smith

12 Jan

Much has been made about the various themes of James Cameron’s Avatar. Some are quick to criticize Cameron’s views on the military, the environment, and America itself. Admittedly, Cameron makes no attempt to hide his commentary. As military contractors terrorize the mild-mannered natives of a lush planet, we are reminded of the United States’ involvement in Iraq, and, to an even greater degree, the disgraceful treatment of Native Americans as the government seized more and more of their land. […]

Clash of the Blockbusters, by Josh Long

8 Jan

Avatar – we’ve been hearing about it for ages, and now it’s finally here. We were skeptical, but the response is amazing. Critics are praising writer/director James Cameron’s new epic to a fault. Now it’s being compared to what many consider the greatest science fiction film ever, Star Wars. Ebert equates the two in the first sentence of his celebratory review. The comparison may be a little contrived, since Cameron was pushing it before any of us had a chance to decide for ourselves. But it’s an interesting comparison, and the commonalities between the two hulking sci-fi wonders give it credence. Is Cameron raising the bar in bringing us a new galaxy far, far, away? […]

Episode 18: Tyson

8 Jan

In this episode, Tyler discusses James Toback’s Tyson and what we as Christians can learn from it.

00:00:45- Introduction
00:01:25- Announcement of For The Title raffle winners
00:02:31- MTOL press
00:03:49- Discussion of Christian attitudes towards Fireproof
00:15:20- Discussion of Tyson
00:22:19- Discussion of The Fog of War and Deliver Us From Evil
00:31:45- Episode wrap-up

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Feelin’ Old, by Tyler Smith

1 Jan

Every New Year’s Day, I take time to reflect on the movies that are now officially ten years old. When I first started doing this, it was just a fun practice. A few years ago, I found myself listing movies that were instrumental in my cinematic education. Movies like Fargo, L.A. Confidential, The Truman Show, Saving Private Ryan, and The Insider. It’s yet another sign that I am getting older. It’s strange to think that there are, as we speak, 17-year-olds being shaped by There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men. To these kids, movies like American Beauty and The Matrix are older gems waiting to be discovered; to me, they were the new vanguard, the product of cutting-edge new voices in cinema. […]

Termination Facilitation at 10,000 Feet, by Jason Eaken

18 Dec

UP IN THE AIR (2009)
Directed by: Jason Reitman
Written by: Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner
Starring: George Clooney, Anna Kendrick, Vera Farmiga

Jason Reitman is the real thing. Though comparisons to the family patriarch may never go away, he has managed to effortlessly establish himself as his own entity. At 32 years old, he is one of the best filmmakers working today. More impressive than his age, he’s done it in just three films, all comedies. His latest, Up in the Air, is also his best. […]

Episode 16: Up in the Air

18 Dec

In this episode, Tyler discusses Jason Reitman’s Up in the Air and what we as Christians can learn from it.

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It’s Horrible, by Tyler Smith

11 Dec

Written and Directed by: Nancy Meyers
Starring: Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin

Maybe it’s out of a sense of obligation that Nancy Meyers feels she needs to make comedies. Perhaps she thinks that it’s what people expect of her and she doesn’t want to disappoint them. Whatever the reason, Nancy Meyers should stop. […]

The Best of Pictures: Gladiator (2000), by Josh Long

8 Dec

Directed by: Ridley Scott
Written by: David Franzoni, John Logan, William Nicholson
Starring: Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Richard Harris

Ancient Rome is a subject that has captured the imagination of the cinema for years. The pomp and circumstance, the epic war stories, the myths and legends of the Caesars have given us many of cinema’s great films. While they remained popular into the 70s, American movies tended to shy away from Rome for much of the 80s and 90s. But Ridley Scott brought us back to the Coliseum with 2000’s Best Picture winner Gladiator. […]