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Episode 71: The Ides of March

30 Oct

In this episode, Tyler and Josh are joined by Meghan Long to discuss George Clooney’s The Ides of March.

00:00:45- Intro, The Walking Dead, The Unemployed Mind, episode 3
00:11:50- The Ides of March
00:59:00- All the King’s Men, Sermon- “Arguing About Politics”
01:39:00- Episode wrap-up

Episode 30- Agora

18 Aug

In this episode, Tyler is joined by Meghan Witzke to discuss Alejandro Amenabar’s Agora.

00:00:42- Intro/Corrections
00:03:25- Meghan Witzke
00:26:35- Agora
00:49:30- Inherit the Wind
01:01:05- Apologetics/Debate tips*
01:26:30- Episode wrap-up

*In this episode, I make reference to a blog I wrote called “How I Abused Apologetics.” It can be found here.

MTOL Guest: Meghan Witzke

1 Aug

Meghan Witzke is a graphic designer who grew up in North Carolina and graduated from NC State University in May 2010 with degrees in Graphic Design and English: Language, Writing and Rhetoric. She became a Christian her sophomore year of college in 2005. Meghan was first introduced to the movie industry after working as a designer at an entertainment marketing firm during the summer of 2008. Since then she’s worked as a freelance concepter, coming up with ideas for movie ad campaigns. She finally moved to Los Angeles in June and is currently working as a freelance graphic designer, writer, and concepter.

Meghan’s website: