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We Are Our Own, by Reed Lackey

7 Oct


They used to tell me something about spiders when I was a kid—something they still say, actually: “They’re more afraid of you than you are of them.” I never believed that for a second. Sure, I was a giant in their world, but they had the ability to hide and the speed and the fangs. They were venomous.

Something else “they” used to tell me growing up—whoever “they” happened to be—was not to be my own worst enemy in life. They meant, of course, that people have a tendency to sabotage the good things in their life, whether they do so intentionally or not. This idea is explored in both literal and metaphorical ways in Enemy, last year’s film by Denis Villeneuve starring Jake Gyllenhaal.


The Aim of a Film, by Reed Lackey

3 Oct


I’ve seen films that inspired me, challenged me, provoked me, entertained me, amused me, and bored me. All of these effects, except perhaps the last one, can specifically be intended by the filmmaker and I believe that a fully formed criticism should at least attempt to consider such intentions when evaluating whether or not the film works.


Minisode 49: Braveheart

12 Sep


In this minisode, Tyler and Josh discuss Mel Gibson’s Braveheart, winner of Best Picture for 1995.

Home Movies, by Tyler Smith

19 Aug

Life is not without a sense of irony. When we’re kids, we spend all of our time wishing that we were adults. Then, when we take a look around at the mounting debt and missed opportunities that is adulthood, all we want to do is be children again. We realize too late that it was a simpler, more magical time in our lives. The future seemed like an endless expanse of possibilities. But, now, here we are, disgusted to find that our once-vast vision of the future extends no further than next week, when we have all that stuff we need to get done.


Episode 109: A Most Wanted Man

14 Aug


In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Anton Corbijn’s A Most Wanted Man, and Steven Soderbergh’s Traffic.

00:00:44- Intro, Robin Williams tribute
00:02:45- Feeding My Faith
00:03:25- Alpha Omega Con, Donations
00:08:05- Believe Me
00:10:35- A Most Wanted Man
00:54:22- Traffic
1:31:25- Episode wrap-up

A Shared Life, by Reed Lackey

12 Aug


I was in my high school English class when I first learned about poetry from John Keating. I was working my first job at a video rental store when I witnessed Sean Maguire put Will Hunting on the right path in life. I was eleven years old when I first heard the Genie say, “You ain’t never had a friend like me!”

These names are just characters, like countless others in the world of fiction and film. But these particular names, along with so many others like Patch Adams, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Mork from Ork (nanu, nanu) were brought to life by the incomparable Robin Williams.


If At First You Don’t Succeed, by Tyler Smith

10 Aug

Written and Directed by: Bill Day
Starring: Craig Gross, Mike Foster

Many already know about XXX Church, the Christian website dedicated to helping the millions of men (and women) dealing with porn addiction. The site and its founders, Craig Gross and Mike Foster, have become so high profile in the modern church, one would be hard pressed to find a Christian guy, age 18-30, that hasn’t heard of the site. The supportive environment offered by XXX Church, as well as the practical accountability software, allows Christians to be more open and honest about these struggles than ever before.


Tyler talks Guardians of the Galaxy

6 Aug

But for the Grace of God, by Tyler Smith

2 Aug

Directed by: Stanley Kramer
Written by: Abby Mann
Starring: Spencer Tracy, Marlene Dietrich, Maximilian Schell, Burt Lancaster

Is there anything more disturbing than when somebody tries to justify rape? Not that many people out there are doing that, but the fact that there are some men out there who blame it on the woman is both infuriating and just sad. One looks at this mindset and tries to figure out what exactly these people are thinking. How can they defend this? What is wrong with them?


Minisode 46: Shakespeare in Love

31 Jul


In this minisode, Tyler and Josh discuss John Madden’s Shakespeare in Love, winner of Best Picture of 1998.