Archive by Author

The Fear of God: Parasite

21 Feb

In this episode, Reed and Nathan discuss Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite.

Episode 224: The Irishman

16 Feb

In this episode, Tyler discusses Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman and Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather: Part II.

A Long Way to Go, by Bob Connally

9 Feb

The first episode of VidAngel’s biblical television series The Chosen is a mostly dull approximation of a cable prestige drama. To the show’s credit, there is an attempt at production value but it doesn’t do much to draw us in over its first hour.


The Fear of God: Joker

7 Feb

In this episode, Reed and Nathan discuss Todd Phillips’ Joker.

The Bob Awards!

6 Feb

1917 – Roger Deakins

Costume Design
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood – Arianne Phillips


Episode 223: Joker

25 Jan

In this episode, Tyler discusses Todd Phillips’ Joker and Joel Schumacher’s Falling Down.

The Fear of God: The Haunting of Hill House

20 Jan

In this episode, Reed and Nathan have an in-depth, four-hour conversation about The Haunting of Hill House.

The 2020 Bob Award Nominations!

19 Jan


It’s that time again. For the fourth year in a row here at More Than One Lesson I’m holding my own movie awards ceremony which involves neither a ceremony nor trophies. But the good news is no celebrities in designer clothing will be made uncomfortable by Ricky Gervais saying something that’s true, so you can stop making that face, Tom Hanks. As always, whether you agree with these or not I hope you enjoy the list and instead of complaining about what you disagree with please just start your own movie awards instead like I did. Unless your name is Bob, too. Then you’re just going to have to live with these.


Bob’s Top Ten of the 2010s

12 Jan


Top ten lists are difficult. I both love and hate making them. I started this with the idea of making a list of what I felt were the 10 best movies of the 2010s or tenteens or whatever we call the decade that just ended. That was excruciatingly difficult but that wasn’t the problem really. The problem was that it felt impersonal somehow. I asked Tyler if I could do a list of favorites instead which he happily agreed to. It was still hard to make and there’s certainly some overlap here but it made it feel like a personal list that I am much happier with. I came to the realization too that, “Wow! I really love big ensemble casts.” It also means that no one can tell me that I’m wrong because I can say, “It’s not a best list, it’s favorites! Ha!” Of course you can tell me that I’m wrong but whether you agree or not, I hope you enjoy reading it. So here we go.


Episode 222: Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

12 Jan

In this episode, Tyler discusses Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood and F.W. Murnau’s The Last Laugh.