Archive by Author

Sermon Recommendation- “Are You Wise?”

16 May

This sermon meant a lot to me.  Pastor Rankin Wilbourne of Pacific Crossroads Church preached it the day after I wrote my “When It Rains, It Pours” blog.  It is both convicting and hopeful.


When It Rains, It Pours, by Tyler Smith

15 May

It’s Sunday, May 15th.  4:32 am.

It just started raining outside.  I’m alone.  My wife is currently out of town.  She gets back tomorrow.


Episode 41: Ratatouille

13 May

In this episode, Tyler kicks off a multi-episode series with Brad Bird’s Ratatouille.

My Other Cheek is Missing an Eye, by Jim Rohner

12 May

Did you guys hear that they killed Osama Bin Laden?  It’s kind of a big deal.  Like most Americans, I heard of what will undoubtedly go down as the story of the year on the Sunday night when it happened and subsequently spent the following Monday trying to derive the details from everything I could when I was supposed to be working.  But unlike most Americans, I wasn’t really sure how I should react to the death of another human being.


The Mental Illness Happy Hour

6 May

Tyler was recently a guest on Paul Gilmartin’s podcast “The Mental Illness Happy Hour,” discussing his struggles with depression.


Siskel and Ebert on Film Criticism

5 May

Sermon Recommendation- “The Most Offensive Thing About Christianity”

26 Apr

Pastor Rankin Wilbourne of Pacific Crossroads Church preached this sermon at a time when I really needed it.  I highly recommend it.


The Past Ain’t What It Used To Be, by Tyler Smith

21 Apr

I lived in Nixa, Missouri from Summer ’98 to Fall ’01.  Once I moved away to Chicago, I attended college, graduated, got married, and relocated to Los Angeles.  In other words, I grew up. As such, I’ve always associated Nixa with a simpler time in my life; a time when I didn’t have quite the concerns I have now. […]

Episode 40: My Testimony

13 Apr

In this episode, Tyler discusses the role that faith has played in his life.

Stand to Reason- "Mental Terrorism"

7 Apr

In this short clip from radio show “Stand to Reason,” host Greg Koukl answers claims that religion is “Mental Terrorism.”