Archive by Author

Explorer, by Tyler Smith

29 Jul

My family acquired a 1995 Ford Explorer from some family friends back in 1997.  Since then, it has been a big part of our lives.  It was primarily my father’s car.  When he passed away in 2002, the truck pretty much became mine, though, since I lived in Chicago at the time, I didn’t have much use for it.  So it stayed in Missouri and I would drive it in the Summer when I would come home from school. 


Episode 42: The Prestige

14 Jul

In this episode, Tyler is joined by Jason Eaken to discuss Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige.

Serve The City

12 Jul

Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that several churches are participating in Serve The City, a cooperative volunteer event, in Los Angeles on July 30.  There are several different kinds of volunteer opportunities around the city at all different times.  You can sign up at the link below.


The Stuff That Matters, by Travis Fishburn

15 Jun

From the giddy anticipation that J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 created in me to the emotions that it evoked while watching it, I knew that it was something special and worth talking about. The problem was that the actual story didn’t really speak to me in a way that made me want to explore it. If the story isn’t all that original or inspiring, then why does the film resonate with me the way it does? I suppose the real reason that Super 8 succeeds on a personal level with me has less to do with what it’s about and more to do with Abrams’ approach in enticing the audience.


All Things Great and Small, by Josh Long

11 Jun

One of the things that make art so vital to society is its potential to penetrate and explore the mystery of the human experience. Man has always been puzzled by his own existence, and art can elevate us by sharing and expressing that bewilderment. Terrence Malick’s Tree of Life is a work of art that unabashedly grapples with the enormity of life’s questions while managing to stay defined and intimate. In this way, the film reflects a God who can create titanic waterfalls and volcanoes, but can also find joy in children playing hide-and-seek.


Trust the Light, by Travis Fishburn

31 May

“Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.”  -Mark 10:15

Last week, I splurged on buying a few Blu-Rays from One of these was Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I had been postponing buying this particular Blu-Ray for a while, but, in anticipation of J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 being released in a few weeks, I thought this would be a perfect time to revisit the film and add it to my collection.


Who Knows?

20 May

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

-Matthew 24:36

Sparing No Expense, by Travis Fishburn

19 May

As a child who grew up in the early 90’s, Jurassic Park has been one of my favorite films. The movie has its flaws, but every time that I watch it I am always taken back to the mindset of my childhood self. I see the images and hear John Williams’ score, and my imagination instantly reverts to that of an 8-year-old discovering the wonder of a world where dinosaurs exist.


Meet Your Bloggers: Travis Fishburn

18 May

Travis Fishburn was born and raised in the Marengo, Ohio. As a boy in a home with no cable and a family collection of over 1,000 VHS tapes, he started to become enamored with movies. The films that captured his imagination the most growing up were the adventure films of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. He graduated with a degree in Film Production from Bowling Green State University in 2008, where he acquired a fascination with the films of Fritz Lang, Akira Kurosawa, and John Ford. His faith as a Christian has become an important part of his love for film and storytelling. He enjoys reading, watching movies, working out, and making people laugh.

Meet Your Bloggers: Jim Rohner

18 May

Jim was born and raised a “Christian” in suburban New Jersey but didn’t lose the air quotes until he spent 4 years at Messiah College and was truly able to explore his faith.  It was there that his illusions of being the next Stephen King were shattered, but like a phoenix rising from the ashes, he then discovered a new passion: film.  Ever since then, Jim has fallen in love with Groundhog Day, the horror genre and the films of Martin Scorsese and is happy to know that there are some Christians out there who have actually watched The Last Temptation of Christ.