Archive by Author

Episode 43: Black Swan

31 Aug

In this episode, Tyler is joined by Robert Hornak to discuss Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan.

00:00:43- Intro, MTOL Minisodes
00:01:25- “Films About Art”
00:02:36- Robert Hornak, Black Swan
01:18:30- Sweet and Lowdown

01:34:50- Wrap-up

Travel Tales

30 Aug

Tyler was recently a guest on comedian Mike Siegel‘s podcast “Travel Tales.”


Give a Damn?

30 Aug

Rage, by Jim Rohner

22 Aug

I realized halfway through watching Inside Job, Charles Ferguson’s Oscar-winning documentary that I didn’t understand half of what I was hearing.  Despite the concise writing and editing of Chad Beck and Adam Bolt, the explanatory voiceover of Matt Damon and the supplemental motion graphics from Bigstar, I still don’t understand what CDOs are nor how they can be bought and sold, I still have no idea what makes subprime mortgages so destructive and overall, I largely still have an unclear picture on the multitude of factors that led to the $20 trillion global financial crisis of 2008.  Despite my unwilling ignorance, I understood enough of the horrific portrait Ferguson was painting to feel something I’ve rarely experienced while watching movies: rage.


Minisode 1: Us and Them

18 Aug

Tyler kicks off a new MTOL feature with a short discussion of the “Us and Them” mentality.

Sermon Recommendation- “The Wounded Spirit”

6 Aug

In this sermon, pastor Tim Keller addresses how we should approach depression and a broken spirit.


Finding a New Hope, by Travis Fishburn

3 Aug

A year ago, I moved from a small town in Ohio to Los Angeles to pursue a career in filmmaking. It wasn’t an easy thing to finally do, but I knew it was the only thing that made sense at that point in my life. Filmmaking is the only thing I’ve ever planned on doing since I was 13 years old. My fiancée, Rachel, was the most supportive and influential person when it came to finally stepping out and moving here, and without her I doubt I would have done it at all.



30 Jul

Shotgun Stories

30 Jul

Teen Raptor

30 Jul