Archive by Author

Episode 73: Where the Wild Things Are

27 Nov

In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Spike Jonze’s Where the Wild Things Are and Disney’s Alice in Wonderland.

00:00:44- Intro, The Unemployed Mind
00:07:25- Where the Wild Things Are
00:45:40- Alice in Wonderland
01:21:05- Sermon Recommendation- “Love and Lust”
01:23:50- Episode wrap-up, newsletter

Sermon Recommendation- “Love and Lust”

25 Nov

In this sermon, Tim Keller discusses the difference between covenant and consumerism.


Tyler on Queue the Day

22 Nov

Tyler was recently on the movie/TV podcast Queue the Day.  This episode was recorded several months ago, but only recently posted.


Sermon Recommendation- “Delightful Discipline”

20 Nov

In this sermon, Matt Chandler discusses charges of hypocrisy in the Christian church.


The Unemployed Mind, episode 5

20 Nov

Apartment Hunt from The Unemployed Mind on Vimeo.

The Devastating Hand of Grace, by Reed Lackey

18 Nov

Every good drama needs at least one moment provocative enough to leave you dwelling on it long after you’ve left the theater or turned off your TV. These moments could be inspiring, or thought-provoking, or shocking, or heartbreaking, or all of the above simultaneously. I would like to tell you about Flight, the movie directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Denzel Washington. Most specifically, I’d like to tell you about its “one moment.”



Meet Your Bloggers: Reed Lackey

18 Nov

Reed Lackey received a Theater Arts degree from Gardner-Webb University in 2002, and has written for both stage and screen since he was twelve years old. His story, The Victim, was recently released on DVD and Blu-Ray starring Michael Biehn. He also wrote the first mini-series for the comic book serial, The Mis-Adventures of Adam West. In addition to these published works, he has written multiple short films, stage plays, sermons, short stories, and essays on theology and devotion. He currently lives in southern California with his wife and son.

Follow Reed on Twitter- @ReedLackey

Minisode 8: Perspective

15 Nov

Tyler recounts his witnessing of a terrible accident.

Episode 72: Martha Marcy May Marlene

14 Nov

In this episode, Tyler and Josh discuss Sean Durkin’s Martha Marcy May Marlene and John Frankenheimer’s The Manchurian Candidate.

00:00:44- Intro, The Podcast Awards
00:03:15- The Unemployed Mind episode 4
00:05:45- It’s a Wonderful Life, The Walking Dead
00:07:35- Newsletter
00:11:00- Martha Marcy May Marlene
01:23:00- The Manchurian Candidate
01:40:50- Episode wrap-up

Dead Men Walking, by Travis Fishburn

12 Nov

Recently, I’ve found myself truly engaged by The Walking Dead. Just under a month ago, I wouldn’t have believed that to be possible. Halfway through the second season, watching the series on a weekly basis had nearly turned into a chore. The show, like the characters within it, seemed to know that it had to eventually move in a certain direction, but was unwilling to pick up and move. I didn’t want to dislike the show. It had a simple and intriguing premise, which offered it the opportunity to explore some interesting aspects of human survival and perseverance. Within the first few episodes of this season, I felt like the show was finally hitting the right pace for my preference, and was finally beginning to explore human nature faced with a world that’s free of civilization and the laws that accompany it.

